Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

About HRT

What HRT is and how it helps with menopause symptoms

Types of HRT

Types of hormone, ways of taking HRT including tablets, patches and gel, and deciding which type is best for you

Benefits and risks

Benefits of HRT including relieving menopause symptoms and preventing osteoporosis, and risks to consider

Side effects

Common side effects and serious side effects of oestrogen and progestogen, and what to do

When to take HRT

Advice about when to start HRT, how long to take it for, and stopping HRT


Other medicines for menopause symptoms, lifestyle changes and herbal or complementary remedies

Oestrogen tablets, patches, gel and spray

Brands include Estradot, Evorel, FemSeven, Lenzetto, Oestrogel, Progynova, Sandrena

Vaginal oestrogen

Brands include Blissel, Estring, Gina, Imvaggis, Ovestin, Vagifem, Vagirux

Utrogestan (micronised progesterone)

Progesterone capsules to use with oestrogen for menopause symptoms

Continuous combined HRT tablets, capsules and patches

Combined HRT for when your periods have stopped. Brands include Evorel Conti, Femoston Conti, FemSeven Conti, Kliofem, Kliovance

Sequential combined HRT tablets and patches

Combined HRT for when you still have periods. Brands include Elleste Duet, Evorel Sequi, Femoston, FemSeven Sequi, Novofem


Tablets to treat menopause symptoms and prevent osteoporosis. Brand: Livial


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Early menopause

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British Menopause Society: charity

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Women's Health Concern: charity

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Queer Menopause: for people who identify as LGBT+

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